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UNIT - 1 (Data Handling using Pandas and Data Visualization)
Data Handling using Pandas -I
Pandas Series
- Pandas Introduction, Pandas Data Structure, Creating Series Object
- Create Series Object
- Creating Series Object (index parameter)
- dtype parameter, Creating Series with numpy Data types
- Series Attributes
- Series Methods [List of Methods][Video]
- NaN (Not a Number) in Python Pandas
- Python Pandas Series with Duplicate Data Labels/Indexes
- Accessing Elements of Series (Accessing Individual Element )
- Extracting Pandas Series Slices
- Operations on Series Data Structure
Pandas DataFrame
- Introduction to DataFrame
- DataFrame creation (List of Lists)
- DataFrame creation (dict of ndarray/list/series. list of dict)
- Variable Memory assignment in Python
- Creating DataFrame using CSV
- DataFrame Attributes
- Accessing DataFrame Columns
- Finding Slices of DataFrame || loc , iloc Explained
- Add/Modify/Delete Column & Rows from DataFrame
- DataFrame Methods [List of Methods] [Video]
- Iterating over a DataFrame
- Column/Index Rename
- Operations on DatFrame
- concat() method in Pandas
- join() method in Pandas
- merge() method in Pandas
- concat() vs join() vs merge()
- Introduction to DataFrame
- DataFrame creation (List of Lists)
- DataFrame creation (dict of ndarray/list/series. list of dict)
- Variable Memory assignment in Python
- Creating DataFrame using CSV
- DataFrame Attributes
- Accessing DataFrame Columns
- Finding Slices of DataFrame || loc , iloc Explained
- Add/Modify/Delete Column & Rows from DataFrame
- DataFrame Methods [List of Methods] [Video]
- Iterating over a DataFrame
- Column/Index Rename
- Operations on DatFrame
- concat() method in Pandas
- join() method in Pandas
- merge() method in Pandas
- concat() vs join() vs merge()
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